How to log NHibernate SQL to ASP.NET Core loggers

Logging SQL created by NHibernate ORM is useful when debugging new features of application. SQL logging in NHibernate is a little bit tricky and not so straightforward as it is with Entity Framework Core. This blog post demonstrates how to write SQL created by NHibernate to ASP.NET Core loggers using NHibernate interceptor.

Using Structuremap in legacy ASP.NET MVC applications

Dependency Injection (DI) was also supported by classic ASP.NET MVC but there was no framework-level dependency injection like in ASP.NET Core. In this blog post I will show how to use Structuremap for dependency injection in ASP.NET MVC applications and how to resolve dependencies using built-in components in classes that doesn’t support dependency injection.

Building ASP.NET Core applications on Visual Studio Codespaces and Visual Studio Code

On the search for running development environments on cloud I stumbled upon service calles Visual Studio Codespaces. It’s nice service that moves development and debugging workloads to cloud and it makes it possible to use lightweight machines like tablets and hybrids for development. Here’s my overview of how to build ASP.NET Core web applications on codespaces and Visual Studio Code.

Surface Go 2 review

Recently I bought Surface Go 2 tablet with Intel M3 CPU and LTE. Surface Go 2 is hybrid device being either tablet or small laptop. It is lightweight and therefore not the option for resource demanding workloads. Consider it more as an complementary device that is hyper-portable and supports you well if you are moving around. But Surface Go 2 is not yet another tablet – it’s more. Different from competiting offers it is not running limited or mobile edition of operating system but full Windows 10. I found Surface Go 2 to be killer device supporting my daily activities…

IIS Express error: Failed to register URL for site. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

A little surprise during COVID-19 time coding. I cloned repo to my dev box, opened it in Visual Studio and hit F5. IIS Express starts and browser opens but it shows just error about site to be unreachable. After almost getting grey hair I found out what’s wrong. Here’s the solution.

Logging to Notepad window from ASP.NET Core

Something funny to end this week. When checking my Twitter feeds I found a kinky tweet about logging .NET Core messages to Notepad window. Yes, you heard right – .NET Core logger for Notepad. It’s not real, you want to say, but it is. And here’s how it works :)

Introducing Azure Static Web App service

During Build 2020 Microsoft announced preview of Azure Static Web App service - app hosting offering for static web applications built on JavaScript. Automatic deployments to production and staging environments are implemented as GitHub integrations. Although currently in public preview this service is easy to set up and getting started. It will probably be one of developers favorite service in near future.

Xamarin Forms turns to .NET MAUI – single project and code-base dev experience

Yesterday Microsoft announced .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) – the effort to turn Xamarin Forms apps use single cross-platform code-base targeting multiple platforms. Demos from Build conference yesterday gave clear signal – it’s not just an experiment but real deal. They really had single project running on Windows desktop and iPhone. This blog post is short overview of what’s coming.

Hosting WordPress behind Azure Front Door

During lockdown I tried out how Azure Front Door works. It is another member of Azure load balancers and traffic routers world but it is global and designed for web applications. My only interest was to see how it works and if it is just for commercial sites or does it also fit for private WordPress blogs like I have. It was interesting journey full of of surprises and here’s the overview of what I did and how things worked out.

Using Dapper in ASP.NET Core applications

Times ago I blogged about micro ORM-s. I have been busy through all Covid-19 times learning technical side of DDD and during that I met again my old friend Dapper. There are applications where Dapper is used to query read-only data without overhead coming with ORM-s. Also there are simple applications where for one or another reason developers decided to keep as close to raw SQL as possible. This blog post is brief introduction to Dapper anbd how to use it in ASP.NET Core applications.