ASP.NET 4.0: How to use application warm-up class

About week ago I introduced IIS Application Warm-up Module. ASP.NET 4.0 provides separate mechanism for same purposes. ASP.NET 4.0 application warm-up is different and if you like you can use both warm-up methods together. In this posting I will show you how to make ASP.NET 4.0 application warm-up work.

Creating configuration reader for web and cloud environments

Currently it is not possible to make changes to web.config file that is hosted on Windows Azure. If you want to change web.config you have to deploy your application again. If you want to be able to modify configuration you must use web role settings. In this blog post I will show you how to write configuration wrapper class that detects runtime environment and reads settings based on this knowledge.

IIS Application Warm-Up Module

During one of my sessions I demonstrated how to use IIS Application Warm-Up Module. Some applications need to perform initialization tasks before taking requests from users. Application warm-up module is very good tool for this because it does not depend on script language or any other aspect of web application. In this posting I will show you how to use application warm-up module with simple PHP script.

Using NHibernate order-by attribute to sort names history

I am writing application that besides other cool things lets users insert information about business contacts. My system is able to keep names history of contacts. In this posting I will show you how to use NHibernate mappings to keep names ordered logically.

Using LINQ and reflection to find matching properties of objects

As a side product of some experiments I wrote simple LINQ query that matches properties of two objects and returns these properties as list. The code I wrote is pretty simple and I packed it for you as method.

Using Windows Azure BLOB storage with PHP

My last posting described how to read and write files located in Windows Azure cloud storage. In this posting I will show you how to do almost same thing using PHP. We will use Windows Azure SDK for PHP. The purpose of this example is to show you how simple it is to use Windows Azure storage services in your PHP applications.

Windows Azure – Using DataSet with cloud storage

On Windows Azure CTP some file system operations are not allowed. You cannot create and modify files located on server hard disc. I have small application that stores data to DataSet and I needed place where I can hold this file. The logical choice is cloud storage service of course. In this posting I will show you how to read and write DataSet to your cloud storage as XML-file.

ASP.NET MVC: Creating reports using Chart control

ASP.NET Chart control is powerful control you can use to add charting support to your web applications. Although chart controls are mainly used with ASP.NET forms it is not very hard to use them also in ASP.NET MVC applications. In this posting I will show you how to use ASP.NET Chart control in ASP.NET MVC application and I will illustrate how to do it easily so you don’t mess up your views.

ASP.NET 4.0: Writing custom output cache providers

Until now we can use ASP.NET default output cache. We don’t have any option to write our own output cache mechanisms. ASP.NET 4.0 introduces extensible output cache – programmers can write their own output cache providers. In this posting I will show you how to write your own output cache provider and give you my sample solution to download.

ASP.NET MVC: Validating objects using Enterprise Library validation application block

Data validation is important topic in applications. There are many validation frameworks available and there should be one that you are happy with. I am currently playing withEnterprise Library 4.1 Validation Application Block and I am integrating it to my ASP.NET MVCapplication. In this posting I will show you how to use validation block in your ASP.NET MVC application.