Modeling people and organizations: Employees

Modeling employees seems to be easy when we get started but it quickly turns more complex than we first expect. Specially if we need good and flexible model we don’t have to replace time by time. This post is continuation to my writing Modeling people and organizations: Party generalization and it extends the previous model with support to employees.

Readable fluent queries with Entity Framework Core

After my first experiments with Query Specification pattern on Entity Framework Core I came to interesting idea – why not using extension methods that wrap query specifications or add directly some more conditions to IQueryable the way that queries are easy to read. Here’s my experiment and thoughts of fluent readable queries.

Implementing Query Specification pattern in Entity Framework Core

My previous blog post No need for repositories and unit of work with Entity Framework Core showed how Repository and Unit of Work patterns are already implemented in Entity Framework Code (and NHibernate) and how we can use IDataContext generalization to get ORM-s behind same interface. As I’m still trying to find out what’s the best place where to isolate queries without exposing IQueryable I started playing with Query Specification pattern.

No need for repositories and unit of work with Entity Framework Core

After working again on codebase where Entity Framework Core was used through repository and unit of work patterns I decided to write eye-opener post for next (and maybe even current and previous) generations about what Entity Framework has to offer in the light of these to patterns. In many cases we don’t have to move away from database context approach but stick with it even more than we first planned. Here’s how many useless repositories and units of work born and here’s also how to avoid these and go with implementations offered by Entity Framework Core.

Building gRPC service on ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core supports gRPC protocol that is about to replace legacy SOAP services with more performant and powerful protocol that is easier to use and support. This blog post shows how to build gRPC service and client on Visual Studio and ASP.NET Core.

Using composite command in ASP.NET Core

My introduction to composite command pattern was more theoretical and focused to high-level details. This blog post focuses on implementation details and introduces how to use composite command in ASP.NET Core to upload and process photos.

Data annotations object graph validation is coming to Blazor

Future versions of Blazor will support cascading data annotations support meaning that validation of child components is also supported. First experimental bits were released counted hours ago with .NET Core 3.1 Preview 2. Here’s how object graph validation will work in Blazor.

Building Blazor “Hello, Blinky” IoT application

I thought first my ASP.NET Core edition of Hello, Blinky will be my last Hello, Blinky for long time. But then something reminded me of Blazor and I thought why not build Blazor edition of Hello, Blinky for Windows IoT Core and Raspberry Pi? After some hacking I made it work. Here’s my Hello, Blinky for Blazor.

File uploads in ASP.NET Core

Just wrote down something I had to went through with students in one of my classes – making file upload work in ASP.NET Core application. Here are samples of single and multiple file uploads using simple controller actions.

Composite command pattern

I have previously blogged about command pattern and composite pattern. I had some projects where I succesfully mixed these two together to compose a composite command. It’s a construct to have a commands hierarchy we can execute with one shot.