Displaying enum as select list in ASP.NET Core

Some properties of model classes come as enums and we want to show enum values in select list when edit form is opened. Sometimes we want enum element names but sometimes we want to use custom names or even translations. his blog post demonstrates how to get enum element names to select list on ASP.NET Core.

Using query strings in ASP.NET Core unit tests

Using query string in controller unit tests is actually easy until we don’t need anything more advanced. We can buld up a string with query parameters and go with it. But what if things get more complex and we need encoding or multiple values? Here’s how to build safe query string for ASP.NET COre controller unit tests.

Creating subdomains to Azure DNS from ASP.NET Core

Multitenant wep applications detect current tenant usually by URL checking name of first level folder or subdomain. Usually tenants are defined by subdomain as it is easier to distribute them over data center, cloud services or hosting accounts. This blog post demonstrates how to build Azure DNS service client to create DNS records for multitenant application subdomains.

Inject users and roles dynamically to ASP.NET Core integration tests

After getting fake authenticated user to ASP.NET Core integration tests I made step further and introduced the way to use different user accounts. Using multiple users and roles instead of one test users is very common scenario in web applications. During my carreer I have seen only few business applications that doesn’t use different roles. This blog post demonstrates how to inject users dynamically to ASP.NET Core integration tests.

Create fake user for ASP.NET Core integration tests

After getting done with fake users for ASP.NET Core controller unit tests I wanted to make fake users available also in integration tests. It took some inventing and hacking but I made it work. This blog post shows you how to create fake users for ASP.NET Core integration tests and write effective extension methods to keep integration tests shorter.

Create fake user for ASP.NET Core controller tests

I think most of ASP.NET Core applications have authentication enabled. When writing unit tests for controllers we have one set of tests that need authenticated user and other set of tests that need anonymous user. Faking User property of controller is a little bit tricky. This blog post shows how to do it.

Embedded Power BI reports with ASP.NET Core

Last year I had some projects where I had to embed Power BI reports to ASP.NET Core applications. There were easy cases that solved practically with copy-paste but I also had more complex situation where server-side code was needed because application uses custom authentication instead of Azure AD. This blog post covers both scenarios for embedding Power BI reportis to ASP.NET Core applications.

DataSet and DataTable based ad-hoc reporting with ASP.NET Core

In one of my projects I have some ASP.NET Core views that display multiple tables with reporting data. Data comes from SQL Server views and stored procedures and these can be modified in database without deploying application to server again. I came out with very common solution in ASP.NET Core to solve this problem using raw SQL commands and shared views for DataTable and DataSet. Here’s what I did.

Using configurable composite command in multi-tenant ASP.NET Core application

My previous posts about tenant-based dependency injection and using composite command in ASP.NET Core culminated with idea to use configurable composite commands in multi-tenant ASP.NET Core applications. Configurable composite commands make it easy to tweak save and update processes that contain multiple steps of what some can be custom and their activation is based on tenant configuration. Here’s how to build thost composite commands.

Tenant-based dependency injection in multi-tenant ASP.NET Core applications

One need in multitenant applications is injecting dependencies based on tenant configuration. It can be actually more complex as instances may need constructor parameters. Here is my example of dynamic injection of multiple file clients in ASP.NET Core multi-tenant web application.