
Creating subdomains to Azure DNS from ASP.NET Core

Multitenant wep applications detect current tenant usually by URL checking name of first level folder or subdomain. Usually tenants are defined by subdomain as it is easier to distribute them over data center, cloud services or hosting accounts. This blog post demonstrates how to build Azure DNS service client to create DNS records for multitenant application subdomains.

Using CSOM from Azure Functions

I got back to active SharePoint development some months ago and first thing to do was to port bunch of workflows from in-prem SharePoint to cloud. Where I live we don’t usually have any simple workflows. Most of them need some backing code due to custom logic. So, my only option was to go with Microsoft Flow or Azure Logic Apps and Azure Functions. Here’s the project with one dummy function to get started.

Copy production database to staging on Azure DevOps

I’m building build and release pipeline on Azure DevOps for one of my projects. We want to automate testing and deployments to staging environment. At staging environment we want to use copy of production database to make sure that testers are working with latest data. Here’s how to make Azure SQL database copy on Azure DevOps using Azure PowerShell.

Publishing ASP.NET Core 3.0 application as self-contained executable to Azure App Service

With Visual Studio 2019 we can publish ASP.NET Core 3.0 applications as self-contained executable. It’s specially useful for environments where ASP.NET Core 3.0 is not installed or where we don’t have permissions to install it. Here’s how to do it.

Generalize file access for ASP.NET Core applications using IFileClient implementations

Once upon a time I worked out simple file client generalization so my applications can keep files on local machine or somewhere on the cloud without changes in application code. This blog post shows how to generalize file access in web applications and provides implementations for local and cloud file clients.

Hosting web application on Azure

Coming to cloud with web application can be scary if it’s the first time you do it. Azure cloud is not anymore about dozen of services – it’s real monster offering more than we are able to know and learn. It’s not easy to predict what will be the final path on cloud but it is possible to tell how to get started. Here’s my advice to you.

Create thumbnails using Azure Cognitive Services

Azure Cognitive Services is set of powerful and intelligent cloud services to analyze photos and images. This blog post shows how to create smart thumbnails using Azure cognitive services and ASP.NET Core.

Visualize Azure CDN metrics with Grafana

Azure CDN is one of Azure services that doesn’t provide charts and metrics in service overview page. For me these charts are important because they help me to optimize delivery of my blog artifacts. This blog post describes how I visualize Azure CDN diagnostics logs using InfluxDB, Grafana and simple data collector.

Getting started with Jekyll blog hosted on Azure static website

Building fully static web sites and blogs is possible A.D. 2019 and I tried out how it works. My goal as a tech guy was keep things lightweight and automate as much as possible. After few days of experimenting I came out with beast solution described in this series.

Setting up Azure storage static website for Jekyll

Before setting up Jekyll build and release pipelines on Azure DevOps we need static website service on Azure. It’s special feature of blob storage. This blog post shows how to set up and manage Azure static website.