Data platform
SQL Server database backup to Azure Blob Storage
SQL Server supports exporting data-tier applications (BACPAC). It means that database is packaged to one file with schema and data. It’s not same as SQL Server backups but to backup smaller databases it works pretty well. Those who don’t want to mess with local backup storage can use cloud services like Azure Blob Storage to keep database backups. Here’s the example how I automated backup of one not so big database using free tools SqlPackage and AzCopy.
Translating NHibernate LINQ query to SQL
When working with stateless sessions in NHibernate we need some way to see generated SQL but we cannot use simple tricks as custom NHibernate interceptor to log SQL queries. As I’m using mostly NHibernate LINQ these days I was interested in how to get SQL out from LINQ query without actually executing it. Here’s my solution.
How to log NHibernate SQL to ASP.NET Core loggers
Logging SQL created by NHibernate ORM is useful when debugging new features of application. SQL logging in NHibernate is a little bit tricky and not so straightforward as it is with Entity Framework Core. This blog post demonstrates how to write SQL created by NHibernate to ASP.NET Core loggers using NHibernate interceptor.
Using Dapper in ASP.NET Core applications
Times ago I blogged about micro ORM-s. I have been busy through all Covid-19 times learning technical side of DDD and during that I met again my old friend Dapper. There are applications where Dapper is used to query read-only data without overhead coming with ORM-s. Also there are simple applications where for one or another reason developers decided to keep as close to raw SQL as possible. This blog post is brief introduction to Dapper anbd how to use it in ASP.NET Core applications.
Updating SQL Azure database using Visual Studio database project and Azure DevOps
Visual Studio database projects have been one of my important tools since Visual Studio 2010. Database projects were not easy to use with build servers ten years ago. Today things are different. It’s super easy to use database projects to update staging and live databases from Azure build and release pipelines. This blog post shows how to do it.
MSSQL data and log files on Azure blob storage
I discovered lately one killer feature of SQL Server – keeping data and log files on Azure blob storage. There are scenarios where we may want to go with blob storage instead of buying and building up our own stable and reliable storage. This blog post introduces how MSSQL data and log files work on Azure blob storage.
Querying MySQL from SQL Server using linked server
SQL Server has interesting feature calles Linked Servers. It’s about linking other databases to SQL Server and using their data like it’s local. There are many powerful open-source systems written on PHP and they are mostly using MySQL as database. This blog post shows how to link MySQL database to SQL Server and how to use linked server in SQL queries.