Building Blazor “Hello, Blinky” IoT application

I thought first my ASP.NET Core edition of Hello, Blinky will be my last Hello, Blinky for long time. But then something reminded me of Blazor and I thought why not build Blazor edition of Hello, Blinky for Windows IoT Core and Raspberry Pi? After some hacking I made it work. Here’s my Hello, Blinky for Blazor.

Self-contained executable with .NET Core 3.0 on Windows, Linux and Raspberry

.NET Core 3.0 comes with support for self-contained executables. It means we can publish applications as a single executable for specified platform. Also trimming – removing of unused code from assemblies – is supported. This blog post demonstrates how to build self-contained executables using .NET Core.

Building ASP.NET Core “Hello, blinky” IoT application

After installing ASP.NET Core 3.0 on Windows 10 IoT Core and getting my ASP.NET Core 3.0 LED controlling application work I wanted to finish this journey with some classics – Hello, blinky application.

Turning LED on and off with ASP.NET Core 3.0 on RaspberryPi

After getting .NET Core SDK and ASP.NET Core 3.0 work on my RaspberryPi and Windows 10 IoT Core I wanted to try out if I can communicate with some electronics right from web application. It is possible and here is how to do it.

Installing ASP.NET Core 3.0 on RaspberryPi and Windows 10 IoT Core

ASP.NET Core 3.0 will run on RaspberryPi and other boards out of the box. There are also SDK binaries available in .NET Core 3.0 download page. Having full SDK available on RaspberryPi means that we can now build applications on board. Let’s see how it works.

Advanced Raspberry Pi traffic lights simulator

My previous post about Raspberry Pi traffic lights introduced simple traffic lights simulator. I developed the solution further and came out with more advanced version that has better architecture, more flexible design and support for traffic lights schedules that are automatically downloaded from remote server.

Simulating traffic lights with Raspberry Pi and Windows 10 IoT Core

Most of beginner examples for Raspberry Pi introduce how to turn on and off LED lamp. I wrote a little bit more complex starting example but it has some touch from real life – my example simulates traffic lights. I’m IoT noobie but using Microsoft tools it was actually easy to build this little example. This blog post is short introduction about what I did.

Real-time talk between Windows 10 IoT Core background task and ASP.NET Core web application

My previous blog post introduced how to make ASP.NET Core 2 web application run on Windows 10 IoT Core. It was default web application created on Visual Studio and published as an executable. But this is not enough for IoT scenarios. When we build web application that runs on IoT board we need this application to do something. Be it displaying sensor data or controlling some hardware. This blog post shows how to make Windows 10 IoT background task talk with web application using WebSocket.

Running ASP.NET Core 2 applications on Windows 10 IoT Core

It has been problematic to run ASP.NET Core applications on Windows 10 IoT Core as it is not officially supported scenario yet and many components we are used with are not built with Windows 10 ARM in mind. Still it easy to run web applications on Windows 10 IoT Core using ASP.NET Core 2. There are few tricks developers should know when building web applications for Windows 10 IoT Core. This blog post is short guide about ASP.NET Core 2 on Windows 10 IoT Core

Real-time chart using ASP.NET Core and WebSocket

Using WebSocket support in ASP.NET Core we can easily write real-time data visualization solutions. What if we mix together ASP.NET Core, WebSocket, Knockout and 3D charts? The answer is – nice real-time chart that visualizes sensor readings. This blog post introduces simple real-time chart and IoT device simulator that help to get started with real-time data visualization.