Microsoft .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise

Enterprise applications need good architecture to survive ever-changing demands of customers. At same time these systems must be stable, convenient and easy to use which leads us to need of good architecting skills. Some customers need desktop applications while others need web-based and mobile applications. Making good architectural decisions is not easy and this is where brilliant book Microsoft .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise by Dino Esposito and Andrea Saltarello comes in.


Architecting Applications for the Enterprise is book for real architects who want to study more about internals of applications and how to solve different problems. The book contains also very good overview of different patterns and their historical background. Understanding how things have evolved over time is important – this kind of dynamics helps us think better also in the context of our own systems.

First part of book gives reader overview about today’s system architecture, UML and design principles and patterns. Second part of book focuses on building different layers in system like business, services, data access and presentation layer.

Discussions and arguments in this book were very interesting reading for me. Code samples are easy, with almost no noise and straight to point. Authors have very good explanations about technical decisions and they also give ideas about other solutions if for some reason you cannot go with what they suggest. Read this book from cover to cover – you will enjoy it and you will learn also a lot of new things that help you to build better applications.

Table of contents

Part I – Principles

1. Architects and Architecture Today
2. UML Essentials
3. Design Principles and Patterns

Part II – Design of the System

4. The Business Layer
5. The Service Layer
6. The Data Access Layer
7. The Presentation Layer

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