.NET Core 3.0 Preview 3 now available!

.NET Core 3.0 Preview 3 is out and there are many interesting updates to framework and to ASP.NET Core. Here’s the list of most important updates. Downloads are available here.

Updates to .NET Core 3.0:

  • More support for Indexes and Ranges in C#
  • .NET Standard 2.1 support. To target .NET Standard edit project file and specify netstandard2.1 as target framework. .NET Standard 2.1 is not supported by full .NET Framework.
  • F# 4.6 and dotnet fsi command. Previews of F# 4.6 and dotnet fsi command are available. FSI stands for F# interactive.
  • AssemblyDependencyResolver and resolver events. Loading dependent assemblies from given path (wasn’t possible before), resolver events help us work better with dynamically loaded native dependencies.
  • High DPI for Windows Forms Applications. Finally Microsoft pushes Windows Forms applications to current era. 96DPI is not contsant anymore and it’s possible to build high-DP Windows Forms apps.

Updates to ASP.NET Core 3.0:

  • Improvements to Razor Components. There’s single project template now, Razor components support endpoint routing and prerendering, Razor components can be hosted in Razor class libraries. There’s also improved event handling and support for forms and validation.
  • Runtime compilation. It was disabled in ASP.NET Core 3.0 templates but it can be turned on now by adding special NuGet package to project.
  • Worker Service template. Need to write Windows service or Linux daemon? Now we have worker service template for this.
  • gRPC template. Together with Google Microsoft is building gRPC that is popular Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework. This release of ASP.NET Core introduces first bits of gRPC support on ASP.NET Core.
  • Angular template is using Angular 7. Angular SPA template uses now Angular 7 and before first stable release it will be replaced with Angular 8.
  • Authentication for SPA-s. Microsoft added out-of-box authentication support for single-page applications with this preview.
  • SignalR integration with endpoint routing. Small change – SingalR routes are now defined with endpoint routing.
  • SignalR Java client support for long polling. SignalR Java client can be used now even in environments where WebSocket is not supported or allowed.

There’s not much news about Entity Framework Core 3.0 but we can expect updates with next preview version of .NET Core.

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Categories: .NET ASP.NET
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