Static blog with Jekyll, Azure and Azure DevOps

Series about how to put up simple markdown based static blog using Ruby and Jekyll. Examples how to automate publishing process using Git commits and Azure DevOps build and release pipelines.

Getting started with Jekyll blog hosted on Azure static website

Building fully static web sites and blogs is possible A.D. 2019 and I tried out how it works. My goal as a tech guy was keep things lightweight and automate as much as possible. After few days of experimenting I came out with beast solution described in this series.

Setting up Azure storage static website for Jekyll

Before setting up Jekyll build and release pipelines on Azure DevOps we need static website service on Azure. It’s special feature of blob storage. This blog post shows how to set up and manage Azure static website.

Azure DevOps build pipeline for Jekyll

We have Git repository and Azure static website set up. It’s time to connect these two with Jekyll build and release pipelines to automate publishing from our machine to static website. This part of series focuses on Jekyll build pipeline.

Azure DevOps release pipeline for Jekyll

Previous post in series focused on setting up Jekyll build pipeline. After successful build we have new version of blog waiting for publishing in build artifacts folder. This post shows how to publish Jekyll static blog to Azure static website using Azure DevOps release pipeline.

Taking Jekyll static blog live with Azure CDN and custom domain

Our Jekyll site or blog is published to Azure static website automatically using Jekyll build and release pipelines. We can access site through Azure storage URL. To go live we want to use custom domain and we need Azure CDN for this. Here is how to do it.