Visual Studio

Hosting web application on Azure

Coming to cloud with web application can be scary if it’s the first time you do it. Azure cloud is not anymore about dozen of services – it’s real monster offering more than we are able to know and learn. It’s not easy to predict what will be the final path on cloud but it is possible to tell how to get started. Here’s my advice to you.

File uploads in ASP.NET Core integration tests

Writing integration tests for ASP.NET Core controller actions used for file uploads is not a rare need. It is fully supported by ASP.NET Core integration tests system. This post shows how to write integration tests for single and multiple file uploads.

ASP.NET Core code coverage reports on Azure DevOps

After making ASP.NET Core code coverage reports work on local box I made step further and made code coverage reports available also on Azure DevOps. This blog post shows how to generate code coverage reports for .NET and ASP.NET Core applications on Azure DevOps.

Automated date based versioning for ASP.NET Core assemblies using Azure DevOps

I needed automatic version numbering based on current date when web application is built. It was wish by some customers and in their projects it’s okay with it. As their code is covered with automated tests and other diagnostics I’m using Azure DevOps as build server and this is where I made automated date based versioning work.

ASP.NET MVC error: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition=’MachineToApplication’ beyond application level

Error when running ASP.NET MVC application from Visual Studio: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS. Stop inventing painful hacks, solution is here.

Running WordPress on .NET Core

About year ago I wrote a blog post Running PHP applications on .NET Core where I introduced how to build PHP applications to .NET Core using Peachpie. Their showcase was WordPress – the famous blog engine that also runs my blog. Peachpie guys have made significant work over year and they have reached the point where whole WordPress is built as .NET Core application.

Introducing static website hosting for Azure Storage

Azure has new and interesting service for hosting static sites on blob storage. There is no additional server-side application hosting account needed to run public static sites – they run straight from blob storage. Although the service is in public preview, it is time to find out how it works and when we should consider using it.

Advanced Raspberry Pi traffic lights simulator

My previous post about Raspberry Pi traffic lights introduced simple traffic lights simulator. I developed the solution further and came out with more advanced version that has better architecture, more flexible design and support for traffic lights schedules that are automatically downloaded from remote server.

Simulating traffic lights with Raspberry Pi and Windows 10 IoT Core

Most of beginner examples for Raspberry Pi introduce how to turn on and off LED lamp. I wrote a little bit more complex starting example but it has some touch from real life – my example simulates traffic lights. I’m IoT noobie but using Microsoft tools it was actually easy to build this little example. This blog post is short introduction about what I did.

WebAssembly apps with Blazor

Next version of ASP.NET Core is getting better and better and with it we can use new tooling for Blazor applications announced yesterday at official ASP.NET blog. Blazor is Microsoft tooling to build WebAssembly applications using .NET languages. This blog post is short introduction to Blazor tooling and WebAssembly.