Visual Studio

ASP.NET Core: SQL Server based distributed cache

ASP.NET Core supports also distributed cache solutions. Out-of-box there is support for SQL Server and Redis based distributed caches. This blog post focuses to SQL Server based cache we can use when there are really no better options.

Throw expressions in C# 7.0

C# 7.0 introduces throw expressions. We can add exception throwing to expression-bodied members, null-coalescing expressions and conditional expressions. This blog post introduces throw expressions, demonstrates how to use them and also provides a peek behind a compiled throw expressions.

HTTP-triggered Azure Functions

Azure Functions supports functions that are invoked by HTTP request. It makes it easy to have some scripted functionalities on cloud that we can invoke by simple HTTP request. This blog post shows how to build and run HTTP-triggered Azure Functions using Visual Studio.

Solving bower and bundling errors in imported ASP.NET Core projects

For some ASP.NET Core projects errors related to bower and bundling may appear after project is moved to csproj file from previous project.json format. This blog post introduces how I got these errors solved for imported project.

Using Azure AD with ASP.NET Core

Azure Active Directory is cloud-based directory service that allows users to use their personal or corporate accounts to log-in to different applications. Local Active Directory can sync data to its cloud counterpart. Also external users are supported. This blog post shows how to make ASP.NET Core application use Azure AD and how to read data that Azure AD provides about user account.

ASP.NET MVC: Precompiling views

This blog post is about how to really precompile ASP.NET MVC views. It destroys the myth about MvcBuildViews as precompilation tool and shows you how to configure precompiling. It also stops on some internals of precompiling and explains what are the options and limitations with it. There is also real-life example for Azure where precompiling of views may avoid some serious headaches that one may face otherwise.

ASP.NET 5 and CSS bundling: Fixing image paths

With ASP.NET 5 we don’t have current bundling and minification system available. It’s replaced by new one that is based on Gulp. Default web application shows how to minify simple and safe files. But if you have some more complex design with CSS files referring to images then you are on your own. This post shows you how to solve a problem.

ASP.NET 5: How to debug with ASP.NET source?

Although ASP.NET MVC is well tested framework and probably you don’t find any major bugs in public releases you may still sometimes need to debug your application with ASP.NET MVC sources. In this posting I will show you how debugging with sources works in ASP.NET vNext.

ASP.NET 5 on Azure Websites

Something cool to try out – you can run your ASP.NET vNext applications on Windows Azure Websites already today. Yes, you can take Visual Studio 14 CTP, create ASP.NET vNext application and deploy it to cloud. In this posting we will sniff around in Azure Websites to see how ASP.NET vNext applications run there.

ASP.NET 5: New structure of solutions and projects

ASP.NET MVC 6 solutions have a little bit different solution and project structure. Changes are needed because of new minimalistic tooling and cross-platform requirements. This posting gives you overview of new solution structure and explains how solutions will be organized in future.