Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. Blazor apps are composed of reusable web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS. Both client and server code is written in C#, allowing you to share code and libraries.
Building experimental hybrid Blazor WebAssembly application
After getting done with Blazor desktop applications I tried to build kind of hybrid Blazor WebAssembly application that can run on desktop and in web equally. Although I failed to make it as one single application, I still got it work with a little different architecture. And what’s best – Blazor desktop applications run already now as self-contained executables. Here’s my experiment.
Exploring WebWindow examples for Blazor on desktop
Blazor on desktop is one of latest hot topics and .NET Conf: Focus on Blazor only added more fuel to fire. Blazor seems to come everywhere and it’s unstoppable. One of interesting desktop experiments is WebWindow by Steve Sanderson. It’s cross-platform component to make Blazor WebAssembly applications run on desktop. Let’s take a closer look at WebWindow and Blazor on desktop.
Building Blazor “Hello, Blinky” IoT application
I thought first my ASP.NET Core edition of Hello, Blinky will be my last Hello, Blinky for long time. But then something reminded me of Blazor and I thought why not build Blazor edition of Hello, Blinky for Windows IoT Core and Raspberry Pi? After some hacking I made it work. Here’s my Hello, Blinky for Blazor.
Blazor pages get partial class support
Next .NET Core version 3.1 brings some good news to Blazor – partial page classes. Maybe it’s not so big thing for many guys out there but sure great feature for those who like clean solutions. Here’s my story about partial page classes and their comparison with code-behind classes supported already today.
What’s next for client-side Blazor
.NET Conf 2019 was full of great news and interesting pieces of information for those who love .NET world like me. It was specially interesting for me to watch presentation The Future of Blazor on the Client by Dan Roth who introduced on-going work with Blazor and plans for near future. Here’s my short overview with explanations about what’s going on.
Blazor form validation
Client-side Blazor supports DataAnnotations form validation out of box. It’s simple and intuitive but also very flexible – if needed we can use the same mechanism to replace DataAnnotations validation with some other validation component. This blog post introduces form validation in Blazor applications and peeks also into engine of validation mechanism.
Using Authorizing template of AuthorizeView in client-side Blazor applications
After blogging about authentication in server-side Blazor applications and discovering AuthorizationView component I was eager to find out how to use third authentication state Authorizing that is not available for server-side Blazor applications. This blog shows how AuthorizeView and Authorizing state work in client-side Blazor applications.