
Building Blazor shared pager component

I have already implemented and then blogged about Blazor pager component and shared Blazor components. This post gathers my previous works and demonstrates how to build Blazor shared pager component we can use in multiple projects.

Building Blazor shared components

Blazor has experimental support for shared components. Developers can build application agnostic Blazor components and when packed to Blazor shared components library these components can be shared between Blazor applications. This blog post shows how to build shared Blazor components.

Building offline Blazor application

I made one small experiment and tried to get simple client-side Blazor application running on browser in offline mode. Yes, offline – visit application page once, turn out internet connection, open browser, type in application URL and it just runs. This blog post is short illustrated overview of my experiment.

Server-side Blazor applications

Lately Blazor got important update – support for server-side Blazor applications. This blog post introduces how server-side Blazor applications work and what are pros and cons when considering building these.

Adding search to Blazor applications

As my Blazor demo application supports now Azure AD I took the next step and implemented search using Azure Search service. This blog post shows how to add search capabilities to Blazor application using Azure Functions back.end and Azure Search service.

Azure AD authentication in Blazor using ADAL.js

Although Blazor is in early stages of development it is already good enough to try out and play with it. As a logical continuation to my previous experiment where I made Blazor application use Azure Functions based back-end. I made it also support Azure AD authentication on web application and back-end level. This blog post introduces my work on Blazor and Azure AD.

Hosting Azure Functions backed Blazor application on Azure Storage static website

My previous blog post was an introduction to static website hosting on Azure Storage. This post focuses on how to deploy Blazor application as a Azure static website and how to use Azure Functions as a server back-end for Blazor application.

Building confirm delete dialog on Blazor

Blazor supports communication with JavaScript using JavaScript interop. I used JavaScript interop in Blazor when building confirm delete dialog of my Blazor demo application. This blog post shows how to interact with JavaScript code from Blazor and how to build interactive dialogs.

Dependency injection in Blazor

Blazor supports dependency injection similar to what we have in ASP.NET Core. Also view injection is supported. This writing introduces dependency injection in Blazor and provides working code samples about it.

Building Blazor pager component

I had presentation for local community about Blazor and as a side-product I built something useful. Blazor supports components that are a little bit similar to ones we have in React.js. I took my previous work from my blog posts Paging with Entity Framework Core and Building Pager view component and built pager component for Blazor.