Running Visual Studio Code on Linux
For my up-coming presentation “ASP.NET Core on Linux” I need Linux VM I can access with Remote Desktop to run Visual Studio Code. After hours of different problems that grew fast over my head I was able to make things work and now I have functioning VM I can use for demos. This post is short overview about what I did and it is for those readers who also want to have Linux VM with Visual Studio Code.
Beer IoT: Visualizing sensors data using Power BI
We are eager to try out our beer cooling solution and we want to see it in action. We want to visualize our data and keep eye on temperature of cooling beer. Before doing anything more complex like building web or mobile app we make a quick shortcut and bring our data to web, desktop and mobile. This post is about Power BI in action.
How to make NLog create separate log per service thread
NLog on is popular logging component for .NET applications. I am using it in one project where I built multi-threaded server that is running similar threads with different configuration. As those thread are independent services I needed way how to configure NLog to create different log file for each thread. Here is my solution.
Using Lucene.NET search engine library in .NET applications
Adding search capabilities to applications is something that users often ask. Sometimes it is not enough to have just filters on lists. Instead of going with mainstream and write complex SQL queries we can be smarter and use specialized indexing and search solutions that perform way better than custom large SQL queries that I consider as anti-pattern for searching something. In this posting I will introduce you Lucene.NET indexing and search engine and show you how to use it in your applications.
Using Moq to mock ASP.NET MVC HttpContextBase
Here’s my little example about how to use Moq to mock HttpContextBase and it’s members to make controller tests pass. You can use this code when you are not allowed to use open-source or use-on-your-own-risk pieces of software that provide you this kind on initialization using built-in features. Also it is good exercise that introduces you how to solve mocking problems.