Post series

ASP.NET Core Logging

My posts about logging in ASP.NET Core and some source of some loggers like Syslog logger and fallback logger that supports falling back from main logger to backing one when logging to main logger fails.

Azure Search quick start

Introductory and getting started writings about Azure Search. Azure Cognitive Search is the only cloud search service with built-in AI capabilities that enrich all types of information to easily identify and explore relevant content at scale.

Beer IoT

Series of posts about how I built simple beer monitoring solution using Raspberry Pi, Windows 10 IoT Core and Microsoft Azure. I am using this system to monitor how beer is freezing when I brew eisbock beer. Solution and its source code is free for everybody.

Code contracts

Deep-dive to code contracts and their internals. Examples supported buy source code.

Enum to JavaScript

Posts introducing some ideas about how to get C# enums to JavaScript on ASP.NET Core.

Multi-tenant ASP.NET Core

Writings about my work on multi-tenant ASP.NET Core web applications. I have documented here some practical solutions and approached to multi-tenancy in ASP.NET Core I’m using in real-life projects. Source code is available at Github.

New features in C# 7.0

Deep-dive posts to new features of C# 7.0: local functions, throw expressions, out variables, tuple literals, pattern matching in switch statements, ref returns and ref locals.

New features in C# 7.1

Deep-dive posts to new features of C# 7.1: default literal expressions, inferred tuple names, async main.

New features in C# 7.2

Deep-dive posts to new features of C# 7.2: non-trailing named arguments, protected private access modifier.

New features in C# 8.0

Deep-dive posts to new features in C# 8.0: default implementations in interfaces, using-declarations.

OneNote as personal travel guide

How to use OneNote as an excellent travel planning tool and travel guide. Based on my own experiences as almost all my trips are supported by OneNote.

Static blog with Jekyll, Azure and Azure DevOps

Series about how to put up simple markdown based static blog using Ruby and Jekyll. Examples how to automate publishing process using Git commits and Azure DevOps build and release pipelines.

Writing object to object mapper

This series is documented guide to how I wrote simple and performant object to object mapper. Covers techniques like using reflection, generic delegates and .NET Intermediate Language (IL).