Visual Studio add-in: CopySourceAsHTML

When I started with this blog I needed some tool to copy code snippets from Visual Studio to Windows Live Writer so I get formatted code. There is cool online code highlighter called GeSHi, but I wanted my code to look like in Visual Studio editor. After some searching I found Visual Studio add-in CopySourceAsHTML.

CopySourceAsHTMLAfter installing this add-in you can see new selection in code editor’s context menu: Copy As HTML… When you click on this menu then the following dialog with copy options will be opened.


As you can see there are many so much options that these options are put on separated pages. When you paste code to Live Writer make sure you use Paste Special option. There you can say that you want to paste the code with formatting.

Here you can see cooperation between Visual Studio, CopySourceAsHTML and Windows Live Writer (horizontal bars are added by me).

public new void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArg)


    if (eventArgument.StartsWith("searchFieldChangedTo:"))


        searchField = eventArg.Replace("searchField:", "");





        var multiVal = new SPFieldMultiColumnValue(eventArg);

        if (multiVal.Count == 3)


            searchOperator = multiVal[0];

            eventArg = eventArg.Replace(";#"+searchOperator, "");







2009-08-06 Update Source of CopySourceAsHTML is now available in CodePlex.

Gunnar Peipman

Gunnar Peipman is ASP.NET, Azure and SharePoint fan, Estonian Microsoft user group leader, blogger, conference speaker, teacher, and tech maniac. Since 2008 he is Microsoft MVP specialized on ASP.NET.

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