DataSet and DataTable based ad-hoc reporting with ASP.NET Core

In one of my projects I have some ASP.NET Core views that display multiple tables with reporting data. Data comes from SQL Server views and stored procedures and these can be modified in database without deploying application to server again. I came out with very common solution in ASP.NET Core to solve this problem using raw SQL commands and shared views for DataTable and DataSet. Here’s what I did.

Execute raw SQL commands in Entity Framework Core

I have never seen a real-life project where object-relational mapper generates 100% of needed SQL. There have always been those special cases when custom SQL commands are needed. In this post I will demonstrate how to run custom SQL commands in Entity Framework Commands and how to read data from database without DbSet and query types.

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First of all – thanks to all my blog readers to be here with me. Last year was the one where the most important metric of blogs – number of page views – made its yearly record and reached a million. What should I say? Thanks a million! As some of you have asked my for one feature my blog should have I’m glad to tell you it’s here – yes, you can get e-mail notifications about new posts published here.

Using CSOM from Azure Functions

I got back to active SharePoint development some months ago and first thing to do was to port bunch of workflows from in-prem SharePoint to cloud. Where I live we don’t usually have any simple workflows. Most of them need some backing code due to custom logic. So, my only option was to go with Microsoft Flow or Azure Logic Apps and Azure Functions. Here’s the project with one dummy function to get started.

Copy production database to staging on Azure DevOps

I’m building build and release pipeline on Azure DevOps for one of my projects. We want to automate testing and deployments to staging environment. At staging environment we want to use copy of production database to make sure that testers are working with latest data. Here’s how to make Azure SQL database copy on Azure DevOps using Azure PowerShell.

Using nameof operator in C#

There’s one very useful and often overlooked operator in C#. It’s called nameof and its purpose is to return name of something. Although it is operator we can live without it may still commit to coding by pointing out some errors at compile time. Here’s how to use the nameof operator in practice.

Logging NHibernate SQL commands to debug window

I know there are advanced tools like SQL Server Profiler and NHibernate Profiler but often I want to see NHibernate queries just in debug window to have overview of what’s going on. It’s specially important when improving some legacy application where previous developers had not much idea how NHibernate works. Here’s the simple solution I’m using to get SQL generated by NHibernate to Visual Studio debug window.

Using configurable composite command in multi-tenant ASP.NET Core application

My previous posts about tenant-based dependency injection and using composite command in ASP.NET Core culminated with idea to use configurable composite commands in multi-tenant ASP.NET Core applications. Configurable composite commands make it easy to tweak save and update processes that contain multiple steps of what some can be custom and their activation is based on tenant configuration. Here’s how to build thost composite commands.

Using Windows Forms DataGridView in .NET Core 3.1

Windows Forms is coming to .NET Core and last version of Visual Studio 2019 Preview comes with form designer built in. There are basic controls available in toolbox but not all out-of-box controls have made their way there. One of these is DataGridView. Although not shown in toolbox, DataGridView still works like expected. Here’s how I made it work.

Tenant-based dependency injection in multi-tenant ASP.NET Core applications

One need in multitenant applications is injecting dependencies based on tenant configuration. It can be actually more complex as instances may need constructor parameters. Here is my example of dynamic injection of multiple file clients in ASP.NET Core multi-tenant web application.