Using Azure AD with ASP.NET Core

Azure Active Directory is cloud-based directory service that allows users to use their personal or corporate accounts to log-in to different applications. Local Active Directory can sync data to its cloud counterpart. Also external users are supported. This blog post shows how to make ASP.NET Core application use Azure AD and how to read data that Azure AD provides about user account.

Real-time chart using ASP.NET Core and WebSocket

Using WebSocket support in ASP.NET Core we can easily write real-time data visualization solutions. What if we mix together ASP.NET Core, WebSocket, Knockout and 3D charts? The answer is – nice real-time chart that visualizes sensor readings. This blog post introduces simple real-time chart and IoT device simulator that help to get started with real-time data visualization.

ASP.NET Core: Building chat room using WebSocket

WebSocket is real-time communication protocol we can use to make UI in browser to send and receive messages from server over real-time communication channel. WebSocket is also supported by ASP.NET Core. This blog post demonstrates how to build simple browser based chat room on ASP.NET Core and WebSocket.

ASP.NET Core: Implementing Syslog logger

My previous blog post Windows IoT Core: Logging to Syslog server introduced how to communicate with Syslog server from Windows 10 IoT Core applications. This blog post shows how to log messages to Syslog server from ASP.NET Core applications.

ASP.NET Core: Environment based start-up classes

My previous blog post ASP.NET Core: Environment based configuring methods introduced how to use environment based configuring methods of application start-up class. This blog post goes further and introduces environment based start-up classes that can be used by applications that have more complex needs on configuration based on environment.

ASP.NET Core: Environment based configuring methods

Fancy thing that ASP.NET Core supports is environment based application configuring on code level. We can write special methods to application start-up class and use default ones as fallbacks. This blog post shows how to write environment based configuring methods on ASP.NET Core.

ASP.NET Core: Simple localization and language based URL-s

ASP.NET Core comes with new support for localization and globalization. I had to work with one specific prototyping scenario at work and as I was able to solve some problems that also other people may face I decided to share my knowledge and experience with my readers. This blog post is short overview of simple localization that uses some interesting tweaks and framework level dependency injection.

ASP.NET Core Response Cache

Where is output cache in ASP.NET Core? Is it gone? No, it’s there but in new and better extensible form and it is called now response caching. This blog post shows how to use response caching on ASP.NET Core and provides tips about some internals of it.

ASP.NET Core: How log filtering works

Logging infrastructure of ASP.NET Core supports logs filtering that is useful when we need one logging configuration for development environment and the another for live environment by example. This blog post introduces log filtering in ASP.NET Core through simple dummy controller code samples.

Building simple plug-ins system for ASP.NET Core

Recently I built plug-ins support to my TemperatureStation IoT solution web site. The code for .NET Core is different from what we have seen on full .NET Framework (application domains etc) but there’s still nothing complex. This blog post describes how to build simple plug-ins support to ASP.NET Core web application.