
Getting items from SharePoint lists

In this posting I will show how to get data from SharePoint lists and libraries. There are some ways to do it and it’s only good to know how to select correct method.

Introduction to SharePoint Data Structures

Data in SharePoint is different than in our usual object-oriented applications. If we want to deal with data in SharePoint we have to understand how data is organized there. This is one of the key points to successful SharePoint projects.

SharePoint: Assigning values to DateTime fields

SharePoint list items have a tricky way how to assign values to DateTime fields in your code. It is possible to assign value of DateTime type to this field but it also possible to assign a string. This string is a little bit mysterious. You may get errors with one dates but some dates will work perfect. So what's the trick?

SharePoint: Changing comments of document versions in code

During one SharePoint migration project I had problem with document versions comments. I needed some way to set these in my code. As I didn't found any normal way to do it through SharePoint API I worked out something I call dirty hack. But it works.

How to Update SharePoint List Items without Creating New Versions

Migrating data from SP2001 to MOSS2007 is fun - if you know what I mean. During migration we discovered that migration tool has some serious bugs. I wrote some code that fixes some problems after importing process. There I found a problem - I needed to update list items without getting new versions of them after updates.

SharePoint: How to display blog feed using XML Web Part?

I wanted to show our company's blog feed on our intranet first page. There some empty space I wanted to fill somehow. I found a good solution, so there was no need for some third-party Web Parts. Also there was no need to write any additional code.

Filtering SharePoint calendar by Start Time

I had a problem when trying to filter WSS 3.0 calendar list by Start Time column. This column doesn't appear in filtered columns list somewhy. I found solution that smells like dirty hack to me, but at least it solved my problem.